Monday, May 30, 2011

Feb. 2011 thru May 2011

Well, sorry everyone i have not updated Joshie's post in a long time. Well, we moved out of an apartment and moved into a 3 bedroom so excited you love it. You stopped throwing up and started eating real good the first night you spent the night in your new bedroom. You weigh about 25 lbs. now your getting so big.

In March you got real sick and you ended up with RSV, Pneumonia, and croup and you were put in the hospital for a few days. I knew you were still doing good because you never stopped eating. You did lose a little weight just because you were sick but nothing real drastic.

In April, nothing real important happened. You are now in 24 month shirts and still in 18 month pants because you have no but LOL. Your are talking real well now and might b going to preschool next year for therapy so we will see what happens.

Well, its May now and on or around the weekend of the 20th we took you off the paci and put you on a teether paci called chewy and you were on that till the 27th of May and then somehow lost it and we cant find it anywhere and we had 2..Oh well, because that night which is the start Memorial weekend and we took you off of it. And its May 30th and you are still off it so happy for you my big boy. Love you very much.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The end of Jan.

Well, as of right now your doing pretty good. On the 27th of Jan. we went to go see a developmental therapist and she gave us some pretty good ideas to do for you to get you out of this throwing up and not eating thing that your doing. And so far its working as of the 1st of Feb. We also saw the Medical Home clinic and they thought you were doing pretty good. So praise God. The 31st of Jan. you also got out of most of your 18month PJs now your are in mostly 24month PJs. You are still wearing 18month clothes but hopefully and probably you will be in 24months by the spring time.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Another Hospitialization already start the New Year off interesting. LOL

Its Friday Jan. 7th and we our on our way to ACH again with Joshie plz pray that they will find out whats wrong with him. well, its 3am and we are still in the ER with no answers yet. i am not leaving till i get some solid answers. God is testing my patience and i am failing miserably.... am too tired and upset but u get what i am saying UGH!!! well, i fought a good fight and with God I won. They weren't going to keep Joshua until I told them that I was so glad they had paper work showing that everything was ok with my son but, I have the child for 24/7 and I know there is something wrong. We r being admitted.....Joshie now has a bad cough (its seal barking cough )and a runny nose because it was so cold in the ER. and he has not drank anything hardly and still not eating yuck. Joshie just threw up his dinner...oh God plz help we r going backwards. and now the nurses dont know what to do well, now his iv blew so a new iv. Today is Sunday and Joshie had another seizure not a bad one just a small one. ok GOD plz help. Well its Monday now the next day and still no word yet but, we are supposed to see some real drs today. ...ugh :(well, were not going to see any drs today and not sure why ugh... ok whats going on, Well, my famous words are so glad you have paper work showing everything is fine with my son but, I know something is wrong now let me see a real dr. we r planning on getting another med and now and was going to go home but I wanted to the Nero and know one even told them that we were there. so we arent going home so everything should go better in the morning. Well, today is finally Wed.and Joshie threw up a little this morning but, eating so much better today then he did yesterday and drinking pretty well also. So after we see Neuro we are prob. going home today. Well, they are sending us home at 7:30pm and we got his seizure meds put to a higher dose, got a med to help empty his digestion (reglan), got a new drink to help with calories (its a juice), and a pro-biotic well, now all we need is a financial miracle no paycheck this week. ugh God we have you. we r coming home yeah....yeah we are home and its 10pm on Wed. the 12th. . praise God and thank you to everyone who keep up with us and prayed for us.

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 2012

Jan. 2nd and well, joshie had another seizure and he threw up also....Hasn't ate in over a week so calling the dr. on call yuck...went ahead and took Joshie to the ER around 4:30 they gave him IV fluids and took blood they said everything looked pretty good well as the dr. was talking to us Joshie had another seizure in front of the dr. they still sent us home. We got home at 10:30pm long day and nothing done...UGH well, we r waiting at the drs office for joshie to get seen UGH.....they better listen to me today in Jesus name. OH MY WORD THEY GAVE HIM PREVICID. HE SAID THAT WILL HELP HIM STOP THROWING UP AND WANT TO EAT.....AND HE IS REALLY NOT CONCERNED WITH THE SEIZURES!!!!!!! What can I do!!!!