Saturday, October 23, 2010

Well, the month is almost over and we are all doing pretty good. You are finally well but, bubba has a double ear infection. YOu are being very onery lately I dont know if its the seizer meds or just 2's but whatever it is I am ready for it to be over. You are talking so much better now and you are eating alot better (chewing and eating). Well, you are in all 18months clothes now sometime before Oct. is over I am going to through your clothes again and get rid of all the 12months yeah my big I love you and your brother so much you guys and your Daddy is everything to me but, only after God and because of God he has blessed me with you all and I am so blessed to have you.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Well the Month of Oct. is not off to a good start

Well, as you know Joshie is not doing real good this month. Today is the 12th and he went again to see Dr. Fred which sent us to outpatient at the hospitial to do a chest x-ray, CBC, blood culture, and a urine sample so hopefully we will soon know what is going on. Like, sometime today. I am getting so irratated to not know whats going on with my baby.

Ok found out that Joshie has pneumonia!!! How in the world did he get it I wonder so they gave him a Z-Pack with no inhalers but I am going to give him the one we have extra!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Well, we took you to the dr. again on Fri. 8th and all he said was your thoart is redder whatever i just want you to felling better again. Well, today is Sunday the 10th and you are still havig 100.3 yesterday and today not sure what to do you are couping now and have a runny nose. So, not sure whats going on cant wait till the 8th of Nov. to see the immume dr.

Well, today is the first day of Oct. you taken 2 doses of your meds and by afternoon your were really cranky not sure why did not fall asleep until 1:30pm for a nap. Woke up around 3:00 and you were ok but, by 4pm you were running 102 temp call ACH they said wait and give you tyelonol so I did it took about 30mins to get it down to 99.9 but I think about 6 pm I am taking you in to the St. Ed's ER I am just a little concreaned I know the Lord has you in his arms but I need to use common sence too I am a little worried. Just wondering if you have some virus or something. So I will update as soon as I can.
Well, they kept Joshua until midnight and they stuck him 3x which really makes me mad but the blood tests came back pretty much normal except they said he has another virus (but, not contagious)because he has so many they are calling it viral syndrome so there we go.

Well, today is Sunday Oct. 2nd and its Miracle Sunday so we went to church. This morning I got you out of the nursery and you were just acting kinda different (you know just not very responsive). But, after your nap you wre much better and hung out with the youth tonight in church no nursery for you today lol.

Well, its the 5th and yesterday we had a WIC appt for you and you are gaining weight so excited about that you are now 21 lbs 6oz the biggest you have ever been and thats after a hospitial stay so Praise God you are doing so much better and last night you had a small temp again not sure what is going on but, God has it all under control. We have been so busy lately but I guess in a way its a good thing. Your having therpy today you have been doing really good the last couple of sessions.

Today is Thursday Oct. 7th and we went to Dr. Fred's due to the fact you are still having fever since Sat. Oct. 1 but, noy sure whats going on still so we are getting really frastrated. But, they did weigh yo and you weighed 21 lbs 14oz. so you are growing still so Praise God for that. We love you baby very much.