Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nov. Its a new month

Its Nov. and its a new month and its off to a great start. Nov. 2nd we had to go see Dr. Menandez the pulmonolgist and she took a chest x-ray which she hadn't taking since we first started going there. And after she took them she came in and said that the one that was smaller than the other and that was parcally callasped is the same size as the other lung now. Praise God you are getting healed also they weighed him and he weighed 21 lbs 10oz. PRAISE GOD!!!!
Well, its the 8th of Nov. and today you have 2 apts at ACH Endocrinologist and Immunologist. Endocrine says that your doing really good he would no longer call you failure to thrive (but, the other drs. do). and wants to see you in May again. And Immune took some blood work we should get the results in 2 wks and then we will go get blood work again in 4 more wks. they also gave you an phenuniona shot. So hopefully we will have answers soon. We found out we left buddy there when we got home so I called and they found him and they mailed him to us and it got here on Sat. the 13th. and a letter came with him it read " Joshua, Buddy said to tell you he enjoyed his stay at Arkansas Children's Hospital and wants you to know he was taken very good care of! Buddy also told me how much he missed you! You and Buddy come see us anytime :) Mrs. Rawley, if you need anything on your next visit-(hopefully you won't need to come back, but if you do...) Our number in security is 501-364-4353! Have a wonderful week!! Tami Curry It was so sweet. I love ACH they mailed this to us without a charge.

Well, I thought we were in the clear this week but I guess not the day before yesterday which was the 16th he got really sick with a bad cough so I took him to see Dr. Fred he said he seems ok to him and then the 17th I had to take him back to the ER at about 7:30am because we was getting worse so they gave him 2 breathing treatments, preslone, and a shot of steriods then sent us home. Well this morning on the 18th about the same time we went back to the ER and his pulse ox got so low they had to put you on oxygen, they gave you IV fluids, IV antibiotics, and 3 breathing treatments and sent you home which as of right now at 6:45pm I am not real sure we wont be back up there. You also had a 100.2 temp, throwing up and dihrea also so not sure whats going on but I am nervous. Well, tonight we took you back to the ER and they gave you a nasuea med. so hopefully that will help.

Today is the 22nd and we had to take you to Dr. Fred's he gave you a Z-pack I hate that you are being sick lately I dont want to but, I am wondering if it would better for you so you can get well faster if they would just hospitialzied you this is so frustrating if your not any better by Friday I am going to be one ticked off MOMMA BEAR UGH!!!!!!!