Sunday, February 7, 2010

Feb. 2010

Today is the 4th of Feb. and we got a new puppy her name is Sophie. You are still so short when she jumps on you she is bigger than you and she is just a little winnie dog. lol. We will be giving Zoe a new home in the morning. PS as of right now you weigh 17lbs 10oz wow you are finally growing praise God.

On the 6th we got rid of your crib and put you in a toddler bed you got out about hunderd times but you finally went to sleep. We are so proud of you and your brother we love you both very much. Well, Joshie is now wearing size 4 shoe nothing else is growing but your feet son well I guess that you get that from you Bama and Poppa.

On the 17th you got your first real hair cut from a barber name Harold at Corley's. It turned out really good everyone thought you looked like a little boy and not a little girl. Which I never thought you looked like a little girl before anyways.

Well, it the 18th of Feb. you have been eating now for 3wks everything in sight on Sunday you ate your first McDonalds Cheeseburger. You are now 19months old and the Dr. said you only weighed 17lbs 13oz(size of a 7 month old) and 29in. (size of a 11month old). Last night you threw up again but we belive its because you got choked and you did it again tonight because you hit your head and got so upset or that I put 5oz water to 5 scoopes of formula together and made it to rich. Well after 3 days of throwing up now your are eating everrything again so you are doing good again.

Today is the 20th and we went to the Jenks Aquirium and you and Christian loved it. You learned how to say fish too. Whats so funny is that you are smaller than some of the fish there. Wow, I realized today you are tiny.

Today is Feb. 25th and home health came out and Joshie is now 18lbs even. Praise God he is gaining. Now if we can just keep this going.
Also, today we got an appointment with the ACH Failure to Thrive Clinic on the 22nd of April as of right now. We'll just see.