Monday, December 13, 2010

Well its December 2010

This month is going very good so far you have not been sick yet this week and its the 13th so doing very well. In about a week or 2 we will find out you blood test results and see what is going on with your immune system. We love you very much. You are doing so good. Hey on the 2nd through the 5th you and bubba stayed with Bama and Papa the whole weekend you loved it. But, me and your daddy missed you sooo very much. I will be a while before we let you both go again for awhile LOL....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nov. Its a new month

Its Nov. and its a new month and its off to a great start. Nov. 2nd we had to go see Dr. Menandez the pulmonolgist and she took a chest x-ray which she hadn't taking since we first started going there. And after she took them she came in and said that the one that was smaller than the other and that was parcally callasped is the same size as the other lung now. Praise God you are getting healed also they weighed him and he weighed 21 lbs 10oz. PRAISE GOD!!!!
Well, its the 8th of Nov. and today you have 2 apts at ACH Endocrinologist and Immunologist. Endocrine says that your doing really good he would no longer call you failure to thrive (but, the other drs. do). and wants to see you in May again. And Immune took some blood work we should get the results in 2 wks and then we will go get blood work again in 4 more wks. they also gave you an phenuniona shot. So hopefully we will have answers soon. We found out we left buddy there when we got home so I called and they found him and they mailed him to us and it got here on Sat. the 13th. and a letter came with him it read " Joshua, Buddy said to tell you he enjoyed his stay at Arkansas Children's Hospital and wants you to know he was taken very good care of! Buddy also told me how much he missed you! You and Buddy come see us anytime :) Mrs. Rawley, if you need anything on your next visit-(hopefully you won't need to come back, but if you do...) Our number in security is 501-364-4353! Have a wonderful week!! Tami Curry It was so sweet. I love ACH they mailed this to us without a charge.

Well, I thought we were in the clear this week but I guess not the day before yesterday which was the 16th he got really sick with a bad cough so I took him to see Dr. Fred he said he seems ok to him and then the 17th I had to take him back to the ER at about 7:30am because we was getting worse so they gave him 2 breathing treatments, preslone, and a shot of steriods then sent us home. Well this morning on the 18th about the same time we went back to the ER and his pulse ox got so low they had to put you on oxygen, they gave you IV fluids, IV antibiotics, and 3 breathing treatments and sent you home which as of right now at 6:45pm I am not real sure we wont be back up there. You also had a 100.2 temp, throwing up and dihrea also so not sure whats going on but I am nervous. Well, tonight we took you back to the ER and they gave you a nasuea med. so hopefully that will help.

Today is the 22nd and we had to take you to Dr. Fred's he gave you a Z-pack I hate that you are being sick lately I dont want to but, I am wondering if it would better for you so you can get well faster if they would just hospitialzied you this is so frustrating if your not any better by Friday I am going to be one ticked off MOMMA BEAR UGH!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Well, the month is almost over and we are all doing pretty good. You are finally well but, bubba has a double ear infection. YOu are being very onery lately I dont know if its the seizer meds or just 2's but whatever it is I am ready for it to be over. You are talking so much better now and you are eating alot better (chewing and eating). Well, you are in all 18months clothes now sometime before Oct. is over I am going to through your clothes again and get rid of all the 12months yeah my big I love you and your brother so much you guys and your Daddy is everything to me but, only after God and because of God he has blessed me with you all and I am so blessed to have you.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Well the Month of Oct. is not off to a good start

Well, as you know Joshie is not doing real good this month. Today is the 12th and he went again to see Dr. Fred which sent us to outpatient at the hospitial to do a chest x-ray, CBC, blood culture, and a urine sample so hopefully we will soon know what is going on. Like, sometime today. I am getting so irratated to not know whats going on with my baby.

Ok found out that Joshie has pneumonia!!! How in the world did he get it I wonder so they gave him a Z-Pack with no inhalers but I am going to give him the one we have extra!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Well, we took you to the dr. again on Fri. 8th and all he said was your thoart is redder whatever i just want you to felling better again. Well, today is Sunday the 10th and you are still havig 100.3 yesterday and today not sure what to do you are couping now and have a runny nose. So, not sure whats going on cant wait till the 8th of Nov. to see the immume dr.

Well, today is the first day of Oct. you taken 2 doses of your meds and by afternoon your were really cranky not sure why did not fall asleep until 1:30pm for a nap. Woke up around 3:00 and you were ok but, by 4pm you were running 102 temp call ACH they said wait and give you tyelonol so I did it took about 30mins to get it down to 99.9 but I think about 6 pm I am taking you in to the St. Ed's ER I am just a little concreaned I know the Lord has you in his arms but I need to use common sence too I am a little worried. Just wondering if you have some virus or something. So I will update as soon as I can.
Well, they kept Joshua until midnight and they stuck him 3x which really makes me mad but the blood tests came back pretty much normal except they said he has another virus (but, not contagious)because he has so many they are calling it viral syndrome so there we go.

Well, today is Sunday Oct. 2nd and its Miracle Sunday so we went to church. This morning I got you out of the nursery and you were just acting kinda different (you know just not very responsive). But, after your nap you wre much better and hung out with the youth tonight in church no nursery for you today lol.

Well, its the 5th and yesterday we had a WIC appt for you and you are gaining weight so excited about that you are now 21 lbs 6oz the biggest you have ever been and thats after a hospitial stay so Praise God you are doing so much better and last night you had a small temp again not sure what is going on but, God has it all under control. We have been so busy lately but I guess in a way its a good thing. Your having therpy today you have been doing really good the last couple of sessions.

Today is Thursday Oct. 7th and we went to Dr. Fred's due to the fact you are still having fever since Sat. Oct. 1 but, noy sure whats going on still so we are getting really frastrated. But, they did weigh yo and you weighed 21 lbs 14oz. so you are growing still so Praise God for that. We love you baby very much.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Last day of Sept.

Hey, we're back. This last week you have eaten alot I am talking about eating like a normal 2yr little growing boy. But, you are also have little episodes where you will just go blank and no response for about 30 to 45 secs. today you have done it 3 or 4x and then you took a 4hr nap no exaggration I was a little worried so I called Dr. Fred the nurse talked to him and they said in their report from ACH we were suppost have the everyday med Keppra which I told them they told me they cancled it because he did not need it but, then they also did not tell him anything about the mass on the MRI so in the morning Oct. 1st they are calling ACH then calling me back to see what the new plan will b if any new one at all.I am so sick of the Dr.'s not communicating back and forth in the right way. Well, they called me back and they prescribed you the Keppra so we will see whats going to happen.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Back to ACH

STRENGTH WILL RISE as we wait upon the Lord.
We will wait upon the Lord,
We will wait upon the Lord.

Our God You reign forever,
Our Hope, our strong deliverer.

You are the everlasting God,
The everlasting God.
You do not faint, You won't grow weary.
You're the defender of the weak,
You comfort those in need.
You lift us up on wings like eagles.

This song came to mind today Sept. 26th and I had to post it that way I could remind myself and others that God is in control. I know that he is but sometimes I need to be reminded.

Well, its Sat. 25th of Sept. and Joshie at a half of double meat cheeseburger and a small bowl of grapes. He is eating alot better since he has been out of the hospitial this week then he has been eating in the past month.

Its was the 20th but you had another episode (seizure like) again so I called the doctor and he sent us to ACH ER where we were keep until 23rd. We are going to have to go have some special test ran. So, that means that all therpy is cancled for this week. Well, I want to update everyone on Johie he did great the EEG and MRI was normal not sure what is causing the seziures but we are getting some meds for just in case it happens again it is not an everyday med either Praise God. (they did find a small mass on the MRI but, nothing to be concerened about. I was crying because when your a mother and someone tells you they found a tumor on the MRI of your child all I heard was tumor, brain, my baby. Dr. Wilamson said why are you crying did he have another seizur? I said no but I was a little upset what was told me about the mass he said stop crying like I wasn't allowed to have any feelings about what was said he said its nothing. But, to me its still is something just to know what all we have been through he doesn't even understand. I just don't know how Dr.s cannot have feelings towards the parents anymore its very upsetting but one day it all will b under the rug and we will go on as a normal family and maybe not even remember this LOL. We are home now and going to get back to our everyday life I just want to thank everyone for prayers and thoughts you guys rock....

Monday, September 20, 2010

ok, Jesus is in control but just giving everyone an update about Joshua but he had what we think a seizure he was screaming for about 45min and keep throwing up so took him to the dr. and one the way there we had what we think was a small one so plz keep him in prayer. we have a EEG set up for Sept. 23 at 9:45am hopefull everything is ok. But, even if it is normal it still doesn't rule out the seziure.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

School for Christian

Well, we are in the 2nd week of school now and you are doing better on letting Christian go to school. You still miss him quite a bit but not as much I have been keeping you busy so you dont have alot of time to think about it. On the other hand Christian is not doing great on minding he got a red card everyday the first week except for Friday which he got a green card. And this week he is getting mainly yellow and a few green. But, he will get better you nor him have ever done this before so it is new for all of us even me. Its hard on me sometimes just to think that you gusy are growing up and its going by too quickly I miss you guys as being itsy bisty still lol. I love you both very much you mean everything to me, both of you and your amazing daddy. I thank God for this oppurtunity to have this family that I have.

We also all got blessed week before our anniversary we got to go to a Naturals Game with there series they lost that game but they won the series you guys were also given a game ball which was really cool.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

You did it, You did it....Well, God did it!!!

Well, Praise God you are now 21LBS 1.8OZ . We are so excited to see this weight gain. We never thought we would see this weight on you. But, look at you now your 2yrs old and you made tremendous progress. Now I have to call everyone LOL and let them know what my sweet baby did.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Ok, I know I just posted a few weeks ago about Joshie being 20lbs but wow he is now 20lbs and 13.8oz on the 4th of Aug. We are so greatful about what God is doing in our beautiful son. Joshie we love you more than you will ever know. Your brother Christian and you are such a God sent to us. In Just a few weeks its just going to be us alone during the day. Christian is becoming a big boy and starting school. I am wondering how we are both, well for that matter all 3 of us are going to handle this. I hope its not to hard for you.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Well, today is Aug. 2nd and we went to Lowell to go to the Pulmonlogist and she said you could get off all of your breathing meds and she wont need to see you again until 3 more months and she will do that until next spring then if everything goes good she will move it up to every 6months for a few yrs. then we will be released.

Friday, July 23, 2010

20 pounds

Well, today the 21st of July is a great day and the Lord deserves all the praise. You finally made it 20lbs 4.4 oz. You did it we are so excited we called all of the family so excited. We love you sooo much and your on the road to recovery also you have not had a throwing up episode in about 3wks. You threw up last week one time but we think you just got to hot in the car and car sick too. But, you only did it once. Praise God. We love you soooo much.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Your 2yrs old today.

Well, today which is July 18th is a big milestone for you your 2 today. We are sooo proud of you you have came so far and doing so well. You still have some issues health wise but we are going through it together every step of the way.

Monday, July 12, 2010

2nd Birthday party!!!

Well, today was the big day July 10th you had so much fun. You got so many presents your favorite were the Buzz lightyear and you got some money so me and daddy took you and Christian to go get a Woody to go with it. You also got your favorite toy besides them and it was about 6 balls maybe more I lost track lol. you got an alien also. We did crafts, rode the train, pulled the pinata, ate cake and opened presents. We had about 50 ppl to show up for the party. Everyone said they had a great time. We love you soooo much. Here is some pics to show you what you did.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Vaction July 2010

Well, on July 3rd we went to Aunt Cathy's in Coweta OK. The first day was a Sat. and we went to go watch yours and Christian first movie in the theaters it was Toy Story 3 and we went to see Cathy's friend at a hotel and we got to swim and go in the hot tub you both loved the hot tub the best. Your my little water bug. Then on Sun. the 4th of July you were presented with a Prayer Bear and Pastor Gary Rogers which was Cathy's and Bama and Papa's pastor at their church. Then that night we went to go watch their fireworks display and Agusto gave us his fireworks to go tho Cathy's house. Then on Mon. we went to the Tulsa Zoo you loved it so much. Then Tues. we went to the Muskogee Waterpark you had a blast and we thank God for it. Then we headed home around 6:30 in the evening. Now, we are going to get ready for your party.

Friday, July 2, 2010

A new wonderful month

The new month of July started off wonderful. Even though you have been throwing up for awhile now and not eating you gained weight you are now 19lbs 14oz. Wow, what prayer does it can change everything even if we don't see it in the natural.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Well, today was ok day but, you are still not eating alot you ate some tomatoes for the first time. Then you got choked because you are still not chewing and also you have a runny nose along with all of us and you threw it all up. Your swallowing whole so we are going to try graduates to teach you how to maybe chew. Today is the 28th of June and your still not eating and still throwing up also so I called the dr. and they called ACH GI clinic and they prescribed you Erythromycin again so we will see what that does for you also I am going to pruree everything so I can add the polycose to it and then it wont have chuncks so you will be able to eat it easier also. Hopefully, this all works they are giving us a week to try it out. We tried it twice yesterday with only 1 throwing up spell so today is the big day where its going to be started hardcore. Please God be with my baby today and help him gain weight and keep food down this is not good when he is always throwing up.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Great news Joshie is gaining not great but average which is ok. Hey, and he has even been sick this week. And his Development testing went well the average is 90 to 109 and he scored 95 on his age and that is not adjusted to his gestional age so Praise God. But, there is some not so great news he might have to have a 2nd cercumsion (not sure why), but whatever. Praise God, he is healing my baby, Also, we might be going for an immune testing to see why he is getting so sick all the time so maybe they will do that for them.

Today was the day!!!

Great news Joshie is gaining not great but average which is ok. Hey, and he has even been sick this week. And his Development testing went well the average is 90 to 109 and he scored 95 on his age and that is not adjusted to his gestional age so Praise God. But, there is some not so great news he might have to have a 2nd cercumsion (not sure why), but whatever. Praise God, he is healing my baby, Also, we might be going for an immune testing to see why he is getting so sick all the time so maybe they will do that for them.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Gaining Weight......

Well, today is the 17th of June and the nurse came and you weigh 19lbs 10 1/2oz now. Praise God. We are so excited that you are finally gaining weight. You are a little sick and have not ate for about 5 days except a bite here and there. You get sick about once a month not sure whats the cause right now plus you have 3 new teeth coming in on top of all of this. We really need you at 20lbs by the 24th due to the fact we have to go to Medical Home and they are going to see if you are gaining and see what we need to do.
Well, today is the 21st and we had to take you in to the drs. you were seeming to get worse and it was confirmed that you had an ear infection and you also lost about 1/2 lbs because you have not eaten since the 16th but you are drinking so we are just going to pray for you.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The New Scare!!!

Today June 8th was a new day you have been doing good for awhile now. And this evening it was a bad scare we was walking down to the pool and you fell and hit your head you didn't even hardly cry so I waited a little bit and we went ahead swimming but the knot kept getting a little bigger and a little more brusied I decided to take you to the ER when you feel 6x from the pool to the house. We got to the hospital at 6pm and did not get out until 10:45pm. They gave you a C/T scan but praise God everything was fine. I love you and your brother so much that just like Christ gave his life for us that we may live in Heaven with him forever I would give my life for you boys. Happy June baby boy, Momma loves you....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Heavenly Father, I love you sooo much you are touching my baby boy. Praise God the home health nurse came on the May 11th and Joshie is 19lbs. He has never been that big.

Well, today is the 13th of May and you were fine this morning and by this evening you were struggling to breath and your were turning from a pink, pale white to bright red color and coughing (barking like a seal).and had a 101 temp I called Dr. Fred he told me to get you to the ER right away. I called the ER while I was driving like a mad women and got you in within 5 min. of getting you in you were put on oxgen and within 4hrs we had blood work, x-rays, and breathing treatments and admitted to a room. By the time we got there you already had a 103 temp. We had to stay until the 15th but right before they sent you home you were weighed and weighed 19lbs 6.1oz. (could be difference in scales but we will see next week)

The 18th was you Cardiologist appt. and they said that your heart went down about another point. On the 27th you are 19lbs 1.8oz so I guess it was a difference in scales but not much you are doing great. You are eating alot and we give all the praise to God. We also went swimming today you loved every minute of it.

Praise God you are in some 18months now but still in 12months but hey your getting there I love you so much.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Joshua's First Surgery

May 4th today we went to Dr. Mendez and she took Joshie off of the meds to only 1x daily.

May 6th Well, we got a time for tomorrow's surgery its at 1pm and we have to be there at 11am.... Oh, what fun and we will have Christian to its going to be interesting but I want him there to see that Joshie's going to be ok and when we go there they are helping Joshie. On our way to Pine Bluff to drop Christian off at the cousins then off to the ACH. Thank you Lord for your healing power. Well, Praise God Joshie got through his surgery and they had to repair a large hernia. well joshie is staying over night hes ok just wanting to monitor him. he is on like 4 pain meds and woke up for about 15 mins. now hes out again poor baby boy THANK YOU EVERY1 FOR PRAYING FOR OUR LITTLE GUY. We love him soooo much.and we thought we were going to have to spend another night because he was just laying around and would not drink or eat then Mrs. Patty Hutchings, and Aunt Cathy and both of their prayer teams got together and prayed and within 30min he was drinking, eating and even walking around acting like nothing was wrong and we were relesed within the hour.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Failure to Thrive Clinic Appt. Fast approaching!!!

Well,It was the 19th and I was feeling pretty nervous about the appt. A close family friend Joe Padilla told me it's not Failure to Thrive but it needs to be called Learning to Thrive. Then I was chatting with a high school friend Dan Punetues who is an awesome man of God and he starting praying as we were chatting and I have never felt the power of God so strong before on the computer like that before by the time I got off of the computer I felt no I mean no anxiety at all I felt in a since I had no cares in the world. This morning I woke up and it has been awesome all all day long. Wednsday the 21st we will have your last weight check before the appt.
Today is the 21st and your home health nurse came and you were 18lbs 12.4oz so your are growing...Praise God!!!! By the way you are in #3 diapers yeah...

Well, today is the day April 22nd and we went and this is what happened. Came back from Little Rock Childrens and all is good Joshie gained even from last night today they put him on a calorie booster, and we go back in 3 months for a Devolopment checkup and weight check. They said he is gaining so he is on the right track no feeding tube talk even. PRAISE GOD!!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easter 2010!!!!

Jesus is Alive!!!!
Well today is Palm Sunday and it was your very first Drama you were in you did such a good job and so cute. Your were a little boy waving Palm branches saying Hosanna (well you tried anyway LOL.)
Today is Easter and its such a awesome day you got to go easter egg hunting yesterday at Bama's and Papa's and today at the church. You thought you were just a big shot...(which you are). This morning you also went pee pee in the singing potty me and Christian clapped for you your were so excited. But, since then either you have not been intrested or I forget...LOL...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Passing of James E. Rawley

Well, today is the 23rd of March 2010. Dwight just found his father about 2 wks ago and got in touch with his sister Susan Rawley. This morning around 7am James left this world as he knew it. But, before he left Dwight was able to plant some seeds and maybe just maybe he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. This is very sad but out of all this you have a new found Aunt Sue.LOL.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Praise God its time.

Well today which is the 11th was the day we got sent home Larry and his mom came to pick us up from LR. What, an awesome blessing that was. We got released around 2pm and they got there around 3:30pm. When we got home we got to go to Dwight's choir practice so that was pretty cool.
Today is the 18th and mommy had a wreck with you and bubba..Man, Satan is after us. But, he can't keep us down in the name of Jesus!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's Auntie Trish, the guest blogger, once again. :)

Just got off the phone with Gina. They have the patients all in the hallways at Arkansas Children's because there are severe thunderstorms happening right now. She says it's just a precaution, that they are fine, but please pray that the storms pass quickly with no damage!

Joshie is doing a bit better today. The little stinker is feeling so well that he pulled out his own IV and is eating and drinking a bit on his own. She's hopeful that they may be coming home at the end of the week.

Gina is over her food poisoning, and feeling much better as well.

Thanks so much for your continued prayers.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Trish again...

Joshie finally got his GI test done at 1 o'clock this afternoon. His delayed digestion (i think) is gone, thank you Jesus, but he has severe reflux now...that should be controllable with medication though.

Continue to pray for Gina...apparently she has food poisoning from a cheeseburger she ate in the hospital cafeteria. She's really sick and the hospital can't/won't treat her because it's a children's hospital. They told her she could go sit in the ER, but they sat in there with Joshie 10 hours and she can't leave Joshie up in his room alone that long.


This is Gina's friend Trish. I noticed people were checking her blog so I asked her if I could update for her...I'm sure you all are worried about her and Joshie.

Sunday morning, March 7th I think, they took Joshie to an ER in Fort Smith because he hadn't been eating or drinking well and I think she said he had been throwing for several days again. After several hours, the ER determined he was dehydrated. They made the decision that he should go back to Arkansas Children's in Little Rock. Christian was sent to stay with her parents in Talequah.

When they finally made it to Little Rock, they were in the ER there for about 10 hours i believe before they could get them into a room and then got surprised with the news that Dwight wouldn't be allowed to stay in the room with them. He ended up getting to sleep in the 2nd floor waiting area at about 4 am. Since then, he's had to come home and the family is separated once again. Be praying for them all...this young family has had to be separated so much lately and I know from experience how hard that can be.

Last night I talked to Gina and learned that Joshie wouldn't be allowed to eat after midnight (NPO) until they did an upper GI exam on him this one actually told Gina any of this, she happened to see a sign on the door and realized it was for them. No one on staff is keeping them informed.

The test was supposed to be at 7:30 this morning, but Gina just texted me and said that they are STILL stuck down in radiology waiting to be seen. I'm not sure when Joshie last ate, but even if she fed him right before midnight that's been 11 hours ago.

Let's all be praying for her, that she can keep her cool when she needs to and be Joshie's advocate when she needs to...that's she's feel the Holy Spirit's leading and peace this morning and through the rest of this hospital stay. Let's pray for Joshie, that he'll receive healing in his tiny body and that the Lord would sustain him while he has to endure these tests. We also need to pray for Dwight...I can imagine that it was difficult for him to come home alone not knowing when his family will be together again...also that their financial needs will be met despite the unexpected costs of the trip to Little Rock and the medical bills that insurance doesn't cover. Also, pray for Christian that he has a good time visiting with his grandparents and aunts and that he feels his parents love even when they can't physically be there to show it.

Lastly, we need to pray for the hospital staff that they would be caring and kind despite being overworked...that they would see each family in their care as a person worthy of respect and consideration rather than just another room number and chart....and that God would guide them to find what is going on with Joshie and get him taken care of so that they can come home soon!

Love you Rawley family!

Monday, March 1, 2010

March 2010

Well, its March 1st and we are not off to a very good start tonight you threw up not sure why I think you drank to much at once and started coughing all at the same time you were fine after so I dont think it was a big deal. Your not eating very well this week either maybe you just dont feel to good but you'll be ok. Getting ready for Thursday the 4th going back to ACH to go and meet your new Urologist Dr. Cannon. So maybe by then you will have gained since last Thursday LOL.

Its been a pretty rough day for you, you haven't felt real good the last couple of days. You threw up again today we took you to see Dr. Fred he said you looked pretty good just that you were teething and thats making you hurt and throw up. But, Praise God they weighed you at the office and there you gained weight but tomorrow will tell us exactly how much weight you've gained in a weeks time. You haven't ate alot this week because the way you are feeling but you'll be alright.

As of today which is the 2nd you are still throwing up so we will just see whats going on. Well, today was the day we meet your new urologist Dr. Cannon real nice guy we have your surgery date its May 6th. You weighed 18lbs 13oz with clothes on so your getting there in weight to. So, March and April are packed for appts. oh yea. We noticed today at the drs. that you learned how to blow your nose and you know where your eyes, nose, and ears are. You go boy, show them that you can do it. We are so proud of you and your brother. We love you both very much.

Before I forget the nurse came in and asked if Joshua was potty trained, yeah at 19months old whatever. LOL!!!

Today is the 5th and its was the last day of your last RSV shot...Praise God we are done with that. You weighed 18lbs 4oz today at Dr. Fred's but you are still throwing up and he really doesn't know whats going on so he gives you nexium so hopefully that will help. We will just pray and believe that God will just heal you.

Well, today was the 6th and what a beautiful day it was we all went to the park and had a great time we were even interviewed there with Channel 5 news. That was cool. Your still throwing up today but you are eating a few bites here and there now. God just touch our little one.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Feb. 2010

Today is the 4th of Feb. and we got a new puppy her name is Sophie. You are still so short when she jumps on you she is bigger than you and she is just a little winnie dog. lol. We will be giving Zoe a new home in the morning. PS as of right now you weigh 17lbs 10oz wow you are finally growing praise God.

On the 6th we got rid of your crib and put you in a toddler bed you got out about hunderd times but you finally went to sleep. We are so proud of you and your brother we love you both very much. Well, Joshie is now wearing size 4 shoe nothing else is growing but your feet son well I guess that you get that from you Bama and Poppa.

On the 17th you got your first real hair cut from a barber name Harold at Corley's. It turned out really good everyone thought you looked like a little boy and not a little girl. Which I never thought you looked like a little girl before anyways.

Well, it the 18th of Feb. you have been eating now for 3wks everything in sight on Sunday you ate your first McDonalds Cheeseburger. You are now 19months old and the Dr. said you only weighed 17lbs 13oz(size of a 7 month old) and 29in. (size of a 11month old). Last night you threw up again but we belive its because you got choked and you did it again tonight because you hit your head and got so upset or that I put 5oz water to 5 scoopes of formula together and made it to rich. Well after 3 days of throwing up now your are eating everrything again so you are doing good again.

Today is the 20th and we went to the Jenks Aquirium and you and Christian loved it. You learned how to say fish too. Whats so funny is that you are smaller than some of the fish there. Wow, I realized today you are tiny.

Today is Feb. 25th and home health came out and Joshie is now 18lbs even. Praise God he is gaining. Now if we can just keep this going.
Also, today we got an appointment with the ACH Failure to Thrive Clinic on the 22nd of April as of right now. We'll just see.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Start of a New Year Jan. 2010

Well, Its Januaray 2010 now and all is going ok I guess. You still have been throwing up again for about 4 days again so I called the dr. the one on call and she had a attitude so I will wait to Monday to call you Dr. Frem. But, on the 2nd you seem to be doing better still not eating but so far by 2pm no throwing up and your drinking still. Well, its Januaray 3rd and we had to take you to the ER you had been sleeping for 7 hours and only drank 5oz all day we were very worried but the dr. said you should be fine. The ER dr. called the GI dr on call who was Dr. OConner and she said she didn't understand what the problem was and why he was calling he was a little upset and so was I but, we went home then a wonderfull thing happen on the 4th you started eating not a lot but a little here and there, then the 5th came you ate 1/4 peanut butter sandwich and a 1/4 chesse sandwich plus alot of you formula throughout the day. So Praise God he is touching you little body we just have to give him time. Its like Josie Duggar (who's parents I met on December 20th down in the hospitial cafe) she and you are in God's hands. We will see what the days ahead lie for you

Well today is a new day it is the 7th of the month and Joshie has been taken his diaper off for a few weeks now so I told him you don't take if off unless you need to go pee pee and he nodded his head yes and said pee pee so I said then go so he walked in the bathroom and sat on the training potty we bought Christian (that he never once used) and sat there so there is hope by the time he is 2yrs maybe. Christian was 3yrs old. Also, I noticed today he has 5 teeth broke through finally and another going to come throgh pretty soon.

Well today is Jan. 13th we go back to ACH to see Dr. Frem they sent us home with a urinealis and weekly weight checks from home health. Joshie is 16lbs and 15oz still the same as he was on the 24th of Dec. They still don't really know whats going on but, Dr. Frem is awesome she is really trying to find out whats going on. Dwight came with me and Joshie and we got to see Michelle and Jim Bob again it was so awesome. They took pics of us which was very sweet, I hope one day we will get to meet them all.

Carla who I spoke about earlier is a great friend (not just counslor) she tells me if I am right or wrong and she has always been there for me and Joshua. She tells me too remember that I am mom and I know my child more than anyone and that I have to speak for him because he can't. I wish I had her when we were in the NICU, but, at least we have her and Dr. Shaffer now.

Well, its the 19th and you have been throwing up for 3days again but, its like a yellowish color. So I am not sure what to do except just let them know at ACH.
You have also learned a few more words you are saying milk and bubbles now a little.
Today is the 20th and you are really sick you have an ear infection and still throwing up so we will see how this goes.

Well, on Monday the 25th you started eating again just like you used to. Praise God he healed you.

Joshie's 1st Birthday until Dec. 2009

Joshua David we love you so much and we want you to know that we are so blessed to have you apart of this family. We thank God for you and are grateful that he decided to bless us with a beautiful baby boy 1 yr ago today. Well, as you guessed today is your birthday and you are so spoiled you had a triple birthday party with you big brother Christian, and with your Poppa Happy Birthday little man.

Today August 14th was your very first hospital stays, (the first of many we will soon find out). You had to get IV fluids and stay over night.

Today September 12th was the very first time you were ever babysat by anyone other than Bama and Poppa it was Mark and Karen Hicks they were so good with you. September the 21st you were taken off the bottle and put on sippy cups with pedisure.

We are finally in October of 2009 and you are now in size 9-12 months clothes still can wear some 6-9months but you are now growing yeah. The 18th you started walking all over the place we are so proud of you.

Well, October came and went and now its November and you started to get real sick throwing up for 8 days so we decided to take you to Arkansas Childrens Hospital in Little Rock since we already delt with the hospitals here and they really did nothing. We got to the ER they ran test and were going to send us home because they could not find anything wrong well I was not going to take that so I demaned to see a Gastorinterologist and within 15mins of looking at you we were admitted. They found out that you had a delayed digestive system and small acid reflux should not be causing this. So, we were admitted from the 11th to the 16th.
Well, we started Developmental therapy with a home service, and her name is Terri. She is so sweet you really like her.

Well, Thank God Novemeber is over. Its now December and you are now is size 12 month clothing I got rid of all the other clothing. You also stopped drinking very much and stopped eating at all. But, then again it gets bad again you started throwing up again and did it this time for 9days and 3 to 4x a day so we go back to the ACH and again they admit us. We are there from the 16th to Christmas Eve. They do all sorts of test including a biopsy but still shows nothing major so the conclude for now you just have a milk allergy so you are off of all milk products. And, so they send you home on a feeding tube which I had to learn how to put it in. When we get sent home we take you straight to Bama's and Poppa's house to be with them and go see Christian which we missed so much. And, guess what about 4am on the day after Christmas you take it out and I called the Dr. Gibbons he said don't worry about it right now because praise God on Christmas you started to drink since you stopped on the 1st of December. PS you got to have your first White Christmas. 2009.

Joshie's 6months old until 1st Birthday.

Well, Its 2009 and we went to see the Geneticist Dr. Shaffer and Counslor Carla Bell they are so awesome. Since Joshie was diagnosed with Noonans they want to keep an eye on him. Today Dr. Shaffer looked at me and a old baby pic of me and told me its time for me to get diagnosed I laughed and said this is a Children's Hospitial he said (pretty much too bad go give your blood. and I found out I have Noonan's also after almost 28yrs.)

Hi, we are back and its the 4th of Feburary and Dr. Mendendez you pulomologist took you off of meds and also took you of completly for OXYGEN. Its now the 13th and you slept in your crib all night long. Feburary 23rd you are sitting up really good now and on the 26th you rolled from you tummy to back. But, in between these dates it is on the 25th and we had a hit and run. Yeah, we are all so proud of you.

Well, its finally April, oh yeah and before you turned 9 months you are now wearing 3-6 months clothes but still can wear some 0-3 you are my little peanut. You are so tiny still and Dr. Fred will not put you on the Noonans growth chart and we are getting so frustrated we feel that he does not no anything about Joshie's condition and its really starting to make us mad.

It's May the 14th now and from a lying down postion youi can pull on somthing and stand up you are doing so good. By, May 30th you started crawling all over the place. We took you swimming sometime in June and you started breaking out in a rash we weren't sure what was going on so we took you to the ER and you got a shot we finally relize what it was about 1 week later.

Today is June 18th and you can now wear 6-9month clothing and you are in now size 2diapers. You are still such a little peanut. June 28th was the start in a new begining in our family's spiritual walk with God. We started going to Evangel Temple and told each other we are not going to join in any time soon well within 2 to 3 months later we joined. Praise God for what he is doing in our walk with him and our family. July 12th Pastor Don Hutchings spoke about you and the Joshua and David in the Bible. It was so amazing.

Joshie's Birth to about 6 months old.

It was November of 2007 and we decided we wanted another beautiful baby. December came and on the 13th we found out we were going to have another one. You would be due the 25th of August. But, for some reason we weren't very excited like we were with our first born. On December 21st we had our first ultrasound but we could not see a heartbeat we were not sure what was going on. We were so scared but we had another appointment on the 3rd of January and everything was ok. January and Feburary came and went.

Then, it was March the 10th and I started having contractions they lasted for a few days. Then on the 25th I finally got to feel you move it was so amazing again. On April the 4th we were going to get it confirmed that you were a little girl (or so we thought), came time and you were a boy what we asked the x-ray tech are you sure she said yes no mistake. I started crying I wanted a little girl so bad but then you turned you head and smiled in the ultrasound pic and I said its fine we are going to have another wonderful, healthy baby boy. I went home and told God he needed to name you because I did not have a boys' name picked out. He told me Joshua David. Ok, so I told your daddy he did not like it but oh well, that's what God named you and that was final.

On April 7th was the scariest day of my life we had the ultrasound results and it said you had cysts on the brain, heart defect, fluid on the lung, and a swollen kidney. We did not know what to do but tell the family everyone was so scared. Its finally April 23 and today I had contractions again I think it was just because of all the stress. I did not have any more contractions until May 29th and on the 30th we went to the hospital I was dehydrated the I went home. Started having contractions again on the 2nd of June but I did not go in this time not until the 5th and again I was dehydrated. I was having contractions on and off for a few more weeks went in the hospital a few times but nothing major.

Today, was June 17 and today was the first time they asked me it might be a good idea to consider termination (that was out of the question). We were 30 weeks today but, I had so much fluid I was measuring 35 weeks. On July 12th was Christians birthday party and that night Aunt Cathy and me set up for side of the room it was so cute.

Today July 18th was the day and it started about 3am I woke up having horrible contractions and about 5am Daddy took me to the hospital and they broke my water at 8am I was alone because Daddy took Bubba back home to go back to sleep but daddy got there soon after. At 12:44pm you weighed 5lbs 11oz and 19 1/4 inches long. we did not hear you cry very loud and then you were taken away very fast daddy followed you to the nursery. We did not get to see you until later that night. I was so scared when I walked in they said you were breathing on your own but then you were on a ventilator (not sure what they were thinking.) I ask Dr. Colosso if you were going to make it he said I cannot guarantee your life how am I going to guarantee his. That devastated me. You were put on chest tubes the next day. We had a horrible day time nurse she was there all the time and she watch every move we made she was like a mother hawk.

I didn't understand at the time but I wasn't in love with you like a mother should be with her child. I asked your daddy if he loved you he said yes just not the way we loved Christian when we first meet him. It might have been because we were so scared we didn't know if we were going to be able to keep you here or if God was going to take you home, whatever it was we wanted the feeling to pass soon.

The 26th of July you were finally able to be taken off the vent and put on oxygen we finally got to hold you for the first time. So about 2 weeks went by and we finally got that in love feeling me and your daddy looked at each other and for the first time we knew you were ours and God was not going to take you. We were so in love with you from that moment on.

During the duration of the rest of your stay here at the NICU you were put on 8 to 9 chest tubes and different kinds of meds. to help keep the fluid off. They also, changed you formula 3x during this time.

On, August 18th you were weaned off of oxygen and it was up hill from there. It was about 4 weeks into the horrible time at the hospital and I blew up I told Dr. Colosso he is going to have to get me another day time nurse I cannot do it any longer with Michelle. And, by the end of the day we were moved to a different area and nurse.

The 24th we got to stay in a parent room with you and you got to have your first real bath. On the 25th of August was you due date and Praise God it was your take home date. You were a beautiful baby boy and you weighed 6lbs and 12oz. Wow, what God can do. On, the 27 we took you to your Pulmanologist and she put you back on oxygen and back on the same formula as they had you in the NICU. As for the lungs go the right one on the top in slightly collapsed and it probably will be forever.

On the 1st of October we took you to the Cardiologist and he told us you might have Noonan's Syndrome. As, for the heart goes you were going to be OK, but you might need to have a balloon placed soon you have a PVS. On the 7th of October we had to go to the Urologist for your kidney he was not real concerned he said he just wanted to have follow-ups. On October 29th we took you to the Pulmanologist and the tested you for Noonan's Syndrome. They also started weaning you off of oxygen.
Well, This month you started physical therapy with the Arkansas Pediatrics Therapy in Van
Van Buren.

Today was November 8 and it was the first day and you reached for me I was so excited. Today is now November 12 and today we found out you had Noonan's we were so upset but you are going to. Today is November 18 you are 4 months today and you started Physical Therapy.

We are now in December and it is the 7th and today we dedicated you at Roland First Assembly of God and Jonathan Cox did the dedication. It's the 12th and you ate cereal with milk in it. Its the 13th now and I am bored today I guess because we opened the gifts today for Christmas why I really don't know but we did. The 18th you are finally 5 months and you can wear 0-3month clothing.
Yeah, Praise God you are 6 months old you made it to a crucial milestone. January 18th 2009.