Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Failure to Thrive Clinic Appt. Fast approaching!!!

Well,It was the 19th and I was feeling pretty nervous about the appt. A close family friend Joe Padilla told me it's not Failure to Thrive but it needs to be called Learning to Thrive. Then I was chatting with a high school friend Dan Punetues who is an awesome man of God and he starting praying as we were chatting and I have never felt the power of God so strong before on the computer like that before by the time I got off of the computer I felt no I mean no anxiety at all I felt in a since I had no cares in the world. This morning I woke up and it has been awesome all all day long. Wednsday the 21st we will have your last weight check before the appt.
Today is the 21st and your home health nurse came and you were 18lbs 12.4oz so your are growing...Praise God!!!! By the way you are in #3 diapers yeah...

Well, today is the day April 22nd and we went and this is what happened. Came back from Little Rock Childrens and all is good Joshie gained even from last night today they put him on a calorie booster, and we go back in 3 months for a Devolopment checkup and weight check. They said he is gaining so he is on the right track no feeding tube talk even. PRAISE GOD!!!!